glad to see, this program I started 35 years ago has started again, I was on my own, mostly out of my own pocket, we built catchment units, trapped feral cats and mongoose, I pumped water in summer, only problem was grass management and workers up there, they were poaching birds as fast as I released them, tell Vern, Mike said hi, good luck, Mike Murray, owner rocket game bird farm in nanakuli 1987 to 2001, I live big island now, aloha, oh yeah, I saw docare shooting from vehicles at birds in the roads, saw the bird and bands, be carefull who you trust, one more thing use wing band's not leg, and if someone flushes birds over cliffs they do not come back up, another problem I had besides the workers was weekend cruisers shooting birds with pellet guns, try crossing ringneck with melanistic mutant, you get greens, when I started herb and Ralph thought I was crazy, oh if youcan gamecock shipping crates make good transport and release boxes, good luck, mikey