Hidden River Pathway Project Update:
The Hidden River Pathway Project is progressing with the replacement of the network of culverts that carry the Campus River (formerly the Jordan River) from Dunn Meadow on the Indiana University campus southwest under downtown Bloomington to 1st Street and South College Avenue, where it reappears as Clear Creek.
The project has required the closure of East Smith Avenue from South Lincoln to South Washington Streets for approximately two months in order to remove the existing box culvert. The contractor is coordinating with the neighboring residents, businesses, and nonprofits to diminish impacts. Through Thursday, June 10, South Washington Street is dedicated to The Project School pickup traffic only between East Third Street and East Smith Avenue from 3 to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday, with flaggers directing traffic during that hour.
On Thursday, June 3, from approximately 10 a.m. to noon, the project will entail a power outage affecting several properties and businesses in the area.
As regular users of the Waldron, Hill, and Buskirk Park (Third Street Park), students at The Project School have been invited to participate in the process of selecting new playground equipment to replace the playground that was removed during culvert excavation. Community members will also have the opportunity to get involved in the selection process. A new playground is scheduled for installation in late 2021.
Over the next two years, City of Bloomington Utilities (CBU) and its contractor, Milestone Contractors, LLP will be reconstructing 1,829 feet of culverts. In addition to stormwater improvements, some reconstruction of sanitary sewers and water main infrastructure will be simultaneously completed to support Bloomington’s vibrant downtown. More information, maps, and updates about the Hidden River Pathway Project are available here.